Is there really a better way to say “I have millions of dollars and I know how to tastefully spend it” than with a chandelier in your home shaped like a handgun, an AK-47, Skull & Cross Bones or a giant spider? I didn’t think so.
Rock and Royal is based in Rotterdam in The Netherlands, they’ve been creating custom chandeliers for clients all over the world since about 2005. Designers Hans van Bentem and Arno Coenen are responsible for the pieces pictured above, but they also do custom tile mosaics which quite frankly are exactly what you’d expect given what some of their chandeliers look like! Since it seems the company only does custom work, there’s no pricing information available on their site, so if you’ve been dreaming of a giant Mutant Ninja Turtle chandelier your whole life, you’ll need to contact them directly for a quote.
Hit the “Read More” link to view the “Pièce de résistance” of this chandelier collection.....you haven’t seen anything yet!

Yes! A Penis Chandelier…just what the big swinging DICK in your life has always wanted! It could be teamed with this VAGINA COUCH to really "sex up" your abode.....
All jokes aside, if I ever entered a home or building with this chandelier in it, I would LEAVE IMMIDIATLY!
What sort of person would want one of these anyway?????
Link to thier website: Click! Click! Click!
I expect Mr Cent has these all over his tasteful "crib"
The saying " A fool and his money are soon parted" springs to mind.
I hate to be a gun nut jerk face here, but I believe that's an M-4 or M-16 not an AK47...
Sorry. Not really that important.
These are great. I think the Spider is the best. I could imagine that in my living room...or maybe the basement...thanks for sharing the pics.
Those are some pretty cool chandeliers.
i'm not very fond of those though i do think the spider shape might make a cute, but smaller wall-side light
That's an AR-15, I believe. Like Mikey D said, it's not an AK-47.
My bad.....i guess i should have just called it "a big gun" because thats about as far as my knowledge of guns goes....LOL
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