A group of Masai warriors are going to be running the London Marathon this year, which could be enough to get a mention here, but it gets better. To avoid any potential culture clash problems a charity has prepared a useful guide for them, which contains some handy tips we’d all be advised to bear in mind:
“Even though some [Brits] may look like they have a frown on their face, they are very friendly people - many of them just work in offices, jobs they don’t enjoy, and so they do not smile as much as they should.“
“You cannot rely on the sun to tell the time accurately and will have to rely on clocks and watches. The sun will rise and set at different times.“
“Whereas at home for you it is acceptable to spit, in England it is not but, if you have to, you must do so in a sink or in some trees when no one is looking.“
“If you see something that someone else has, like a bracelet, and you like it, then the person will find it very unusual if you were to take it and wear it.”
“if someone was to see a thief and chase after him and, when they catch him they hurt him, then the person who hurt the thief would go to prison as well as the thief.“
“You may see these animals in a field, seemingly left alone. It is important to remember that these animals are owned by someone and are being looked after.”
“You will see many people who are wearing only small clothes and you will wonder why they are cold and may think they are being disrespectful. This is normal for England, especially when it is sunny or in the evening. However, it is illegal to show certain parts of the body and for this reason it is important that you wear underpants if you are wearing your blankets.”
“When people drink they [seem] sillier or different.”
Thomas Beatie aka the pregnant man was on Oprah yesterday to discuss...well...the fact that he's pregnant! I did a post last week with the basic info, you can click HERE to view the original post.
But lets look at what we learnt from the Oprah show.......(video too)
Thomas' clit is like a mini-dick Thomas got pregnant through a donor...DUH Thomas had his breasts removed...DOUBLE DUH Thomas' baby is healthy Thomas doesn't have a peen Thomas' power lesbo wife has two daughters from a previous dude Thomas' dad is not into him being a dude or being knocked up
We also learned that Thomas used to be quite a beautiful woman:
We only started this blog properly about a month ago and we have already had over a thousand unique visitors to the site. I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for thier support, help and on-going contributions, its all been so much fun!! So if you enjoy the blog, please be sure to return often as new posts are added constantly, you might also like to sign up for daily email updates too. Thanks again guys!
"Ever found yourself in the bath thinking "Y'know... something is missing here. I can't quite place what it is. Hang on! I know! I really wish Mr T was in here with me!"
Well, if your bath is as small as mine, you wouldn't get close to fitting Mr T in with you... and besides, it might just be a bit weird. If you're adamant that you need him in there with you, but aren't Mrs T, then here's the solution.
The Mr T rubber duck! You can mimic his voice and shout "I ain't gettin' in no shower fool!" Oh, the fun you could have!"
This duck REALLY give me this creeps.....such an ugly thing!!
"The crowd that surrounds is jovial, boisterous and dense and since we’re late it takes great effort to penetrate this barrier. It’s a privilege to stand close; everybody wants to see what’s going on. It’s ‘Thursday Night at the Fights’- street brawling in its most organized form; a makeshift ring constructed of two ropes held in place by feeble pieces of wood, lodged not too securely in the ground and a couple of nearby lampposts."
"Their style of fighting is a combination of traditional boxing and raw street-fighting. Fists are flung without mercy, covered with nothing more than thin bag-training gloves, each blow connecting with a reverberating thud as the commentator echoes “Boop!-Bap!-Boop!” provoking the crowd to roars of laughter. But this only whets their appetite, they want blood."
Better than the usual machette, icepick, ratchet, acid and/or gun they usually use to settle disputes in Jamaica dont you think :)
Meatwater is dinner in a bottle. It comes in a variety of colors and flavors to satisfy any palate. And whether you seek simple nutrition or serious energy enhancement, MeatWater delivers. MeatWater creates a product in the marketplace that fulfills the desire for streamlined sustenance while embracing your inner carnivore.
A national dance craze in Ivory Coast has spawned a black market in treatments claiming to increase one's bottom size.
The dance in question has been inspired by DJ Mix and DJ Eloh's hit song Bobaraba, which means "big bottom" in the local Djoula language.
We made it as a tribute to women, because African women are defined by the shape of their bottoms
DJ Mix (left)
When it plays you can be guaranteed that the dance floor will be packed with people shaking their derrieres.
Even Ivorian footballers have adopted the moves and could be seen wiggling their bottoms in a curious on-pitch dance after each goal scored during the just-ended Africa Nations Cup.
However, doctors have warned of the possible dangers of some of the concoctions on sale.
While the dance has been embraced by both sexes, DJ Mix says it was inspired by women.
"We made it as a tribute to women, because African women are defined by the shape of their bottoms," he says.
"Move your bottom, jump, you see, it's alive."
Kady Meite, one of his dancers, says the song is a message for women.
"There are women today with large bottoms who are embarrassed, so it's to say don't be ashamed - be comfortable," she says.
The message seems to have been taken on board - so much so that some women are now going in search of a "bobaraba".
In the sprawling Adjame market just north of the city centre in Abidjan, women sell "bottom enhancers".
Bottom enhancing treatments sell for $2
"You need to inject this liquid into your bottom once a day," says a market trader, showing a vial of coloured liquid labelled "Vitamin B12".
Each vial costs $2. The label claims it is made in China.
If you do not like the sound of injections, the same amount of money will also get you a small tub of cream.
There is no description of what the product contains or how to apply it; just the words "Big bottoms and big breasts", and two illustrating pictures.
Local gynaecologist Dr Marcel Sissoko is sceptical about the concoctions.
I do the bobaraba because I already have a big bum
"This medicine could be dangerous for your health because we don't know the ingredients. It's being used without a medical prescription," he warns.
"The health ministry hasn't authorised this and doctors don't know what's in there, so there are risks."
At the Micronutrient Information Centre at Oregon State University in the United States, Dr Victoria Drake says she knows of no scientific evidence that vitamin B12 can be used to treat anything except vitamin B12 deficiency.
DJ Mix admits there is now a growing fashion for young women to show off their bottoms.
The bobaraba craze is even visible on the football pitch
"If a woman goes dancing and wants to take two or three treatments, no problem," he says.
"But we don't say to girls that they must take treatment to enhance your bottom, no."
One man on the streets of Abidjan agreed: "Us boys, we appreciate these things because when women use the treatment it attracts us, but for women it's not good."
Most women I spoke to preferred to avoid the treatments.
"Me? I prefer to be natural so you can know your true value. It's best not to use these medicines. It's not good - it's actually very dangerous," one said.
Another woman was happy with what came naturally.
"I do the bobaraba because I already have a big bum. When I dance, everyone looks at me."
WTF: "Does my bum look big in this?" "GREAT! ILL TAKE IT" LOL
The latest rage in Korea is the "reverse perm" or afro perm and i must say - the results are quite striking but I still cant help asking myself........WHY????
...... make your own judgement - HOT OR NOT??
UPDATE* This hairdo is apparently commonly known as a "Reggae perm"
Allow me to introduce you to www.babymamasunited.com - the tagline is "A place for all babymamas to socialize, and let everybody know about the DEADEAT DADS" - Yes, thats what it says, i didnt make a typo......
Read on for some examples of what this site is about....... Keke from Florida says....."Myrio Antonio Thompson is the world's worst father. He don't so SHIT for my son. IF you live in Duval County run away from his ass. He is messing with so many different tired hoes right now, and 2 of them are pregnant. And he was on the Sexual Predator list website in 2003, and some kind of way he got his name removed. Ask him why he has child abuse on his prison record...no he didnt abuse no child..but the charges were dropped down to that, but he was initially charged with having sex with a 13 year old girl and he was 20 at the time. All these hoes that he mess with dont know this,but baby now u know! I know shit about him that don't none of them bitches know.He is even prohibited from being around anybody under the age of 18. Now if you continue to let him be around your kids after reading this then your ass is just triflin' ass him."
She then goes on to post a photo of him in his prison outfit and say....
"Look at his flaw ass in his favorite outfit...a prison outfit. He loves going there,he must have a 'special' friend that he is trying to go see."
If you think all that is fuckrey.......you obviously havent seen their video section which is called "BABY DADDY BEAT-DOWNS"