Friday 2 May 2008

The "Billy" Letters

In the late '90s, pop-culture historian Bill Geerhart had a little too much time on his hands and a surfeit of stamps. So, for his own entertainment, the then-unemployed thirtysomething launched a letter-writing campaign to some of the most powerful and infamous figures in America, posing as a curious 10-year-old named Billy.

What better mentor for a 10-year-old than Charles Manson? Little Billy seeks life advice, and America's most notorious killers are happy to oblige....

SPECIAL DELIVERY Geerhart as an actual 10-year-old; the original envelope he received from pen pal Charles Manson

As it turns out, no group hates to disappoint a child more than convicted killers, all of whom responded promptly to Billy's questions about dropping out of school. Their letters, published for the first time, range from criminally insane to downright sensible, offering snapshots of the personalities behind some of America's most hideous crimes.

Lets Start by taking a look at little Billy's correspondence With Charles Manson......who's replies are guarenteed to give you the willies! Click on the mad mans face to go to the page.....


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